Trust the process… 3 steps to significant change

Lisa Cumes
4 min readOct 9, 2017

When you start something new there is always a process or a journey you go through. Nothing comes quick or overnight. Often times the process is pretty simple. Not always easy, but generally very simple. When you combine a few key factors there is no doubt you’ll see results…over time.

Here are 3 factors that are needed to see change:

  • Vision
  • Process
  • Tribe


If you’re going to make a change, then you need to know what you want to change into. If you’re going to go in a new direction, then you need to know which direction and a pretty good idea of the destination before you set out. I know for me, in my Crossfit journey, I can look to a few places for a good picture of the destination.

The first are the boards. We have boards in our box, as do most Crossfit gyms. These are benchmark workouts that help you gauge where you are in comparison to other athletes. Almost all of them include pull-ups of some form, and so, one of my visions is to be able to do a pull up! Yep. I try to picture myself pulling myself up to the bar and looking over the top. What would it feel like (besides exhausting) to be strong enough to accomplish this. And, if you’ve never done a pull-up, I dare you to give it a try!

You can look at other people’s physiques, how much they lift, run or row…and try to picture yourself in their shoes doing what they are doing. You can watch videos of peak performers. Or, if it comes down to it, cut your head out and stick it on top of some amazing body for motivation.


Once you have a vision then you need to get to work on the process. Showing up. Whether in work, parenting or at the gym, the most difficult part is showing up. Every day. When you have a plan all you need to do is follow the process…it’s when you try to wing it, or take it day by day (based on your feelings or circumstances) where it all goes south. There’s an old saying, ‘plan the work, then work the plan.’

I’ve learned at Crossfit to just show up. Trust that if I show up 3–4 times a week and give my best, I don’t have to worry about the outcome. Seriously. What a relief, one less thing to worry about. In addition, I’ve included a process of good eating habits, making sure I get my protein in each day as a priority and watching my portion sizes. I still get treats, and go out to eat and have a beer but my process is daily and these things get worked in, not off to the side…which we all know can derail us.

This where faith comes into play, and patience. You have to trust. Yourself, your coach and the process. So, make sure when you’re setting up the process from the beginning it’s a good one, and that you’re working with good coaches or leaders.


To make significant changes you need a tribe. You need people ahead of you, behind you and along side you. Change happens in relationship. Losing weight and getting fit is just the cosmetic outside packaging. Most of us are battling fear, worry, doubt and a whole bunch of other internal junk along with the weight.

People help us identify our strengths and weaknesses. Coaches help us push when we need to. Challenge ourselves. But, they also know when to tell us to relax and recoup. We need a tribe, we need coaches and people around we trust in order to make significant change.

Coaches of Mutiny Crossfit

I’ve found this in Crossfit, but it’s out there in every area of life. Consider an area of your life you’re looking to make a change and see if you’ve got these 3 factors in place. If so, then head down and get going…before you know it you and those around you will start seeing the change. Trust the process.

If you’re looking for a great way to make a change, check out my local box, Mutiny Crossfit in Duarte, CA. Great people helping others make today better than yesterday!



Lisa Cumes

Copywriter and Coach. I coach copywriters how to create a thriving full-time business. —