How to Scale Your Business in 2021
In my last blog I shared with you some pros and cons of having a team with no employees…meaning a team of 1099 contractors that work with you as well as having their own business and clients.
Our team is the lifeblood of our business over the past 12 months and the reason for our incredible growth and record breaking revenue in 2020. We grew from 3 copywriters to a team of 15 (and growing) in less than a year.
Seems like the entrepreneur dream right? Start a great business, grow a wait list of clients, hire a team and scale. Simple right?
You know where the REAL work is hidden in this whole thing? There are 3 crucial components I haven’t shared with you yet.
In order to build an organizational culture that can scale with freelancers I believe you’ll need to be willing do put in some really hard work in these areas:
- Be a leader people want to work with
- Create a thorough process for hiring top talent
- Invest the time to properly train and onboard your team
- Commit to growing them professionally and personally
- Make the tough decisions for the good of the team
I think the biggest and most strategic thing you can personally do to scale a business with an amazing team, is to be someone top talent wants to work with.
You should be a master at your craft.
- Trained / certified
- Experience & validation (portfolio)
- Recognized by others
Have an extraordinary vision.
- Show a progression of growth
- Paint a picture that involves others
- Work towards something meaningful
Map out a clear path forward.
- Manage expectations up front
- Be realistic in capabilities and capacity
- Create achievable stages of growth
Embody integrity in every area of your life.
- Well-being in health, relationships, finances
- Demonstrate your own personal growth
- Vulnerable to your mistakes and learning
Generously teach others.
- Natural desire to share with others
- Abundance mindset vs scarcity
- Leave a legacy that empowers others
It starts with you. With me.
I believe the #1 reason my team all chose to work with me was not because of the money, or the opportunity to get more work or even build their portfolio. It was because they respected my business and personal journey and wanted that influence in their own professional and personal growth.
Be the kind leader people aspire to be like. Show them the path they can take to get there. Encourage, challenge and inspire them along their way. Celebrate the wins, and support through the losses. Create an exciting story of growth and transformation and then give them the opportunity to step into it for themselves.