2 simple things that sabotage success…and we’re all guilty.
An old mentor of mine posted a quote this week which has stuck with me more than I like. You know when a thought or an idea just sticks around and keeps coming into your head when you least expect it? To me it’s a sign my subconscious or maybe God is trying to speak to me about something.
When your subconscious speaks…shut up and listen.
The quote is, “There are two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness.” — Franz Kafka. While I believe in the concept of sin, let’s rephrase this to something a little less religious and more practical. Most of the challenges in our life spring from our own issue of impatience or laziness and often times both.
How many of us have started a diet and jumped on the scale the next day to see if we lost weight? Guilty. I’ve gotten on the scale 2–3 times in the course of just one day hoping somehow magically the weight disappeared. I guess it’s no surprise I’ve been called impatient more than a few times, by more than a few people.
I don’t often get called lazy, but we’re all guilty at some point.
If I really wanted to lose weight quickly, I would be more disciplined by tracking my food. I know that’s a guarantee for success because it’s worked many times for me before. But guess what? It’s a pain in the butt and most of the time I can’t be bothered…in other words, I’m being lazy. And yet, I’m still impatient to see results.
Where else do we find ourselves impatient or lazy? At work or school? Maybe in relationships….new ones we’re impatient to see move a little faster? Or what about in established relationships with our kids or partners? Do we ever get lazy? Stop doing the little things that we did in the beginning that first brought success? Guilty.
This isn’t a post giving wise advice or what I think you could do better. It’s really just a rambling about what’s in my head at the moment that’s got me thinking, and more importantly, keeping me balanced and on track with some of my big goals…which currently include health and relationships.
I want to be successful.
Who doesn’t? But are we willing to be self aware in the small things that we let creep up and sabotage our success? It was so important to me I wrote it down on the first piece of paper I could find…and stuck it on my vision board…er, I mean my refrigerator to keep me accountable.
I hope maybe this will spur you to think about areas where impatience or laziness has crept up and is sabotaging your success. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and patience and discipline will win every time. Aim to win and never stop starting.